Dr. Jörg Düsterhöft, Zumpe - Düsterhöft - Richter: Life has more facets than the profession.
ARE YOU AN ARCHITECT? Yes. In 1984 I have finished my studies. Since then I have been working as an architect.
WHERE ARE YOU FROM? I was born in Dresden, I went to school here, I studied here and I have been working here. 
WHAT IS IMPORTANT TO YOU? If you get older you recognize, that time, health and close contact to other people are the most important things. It is important to have a lively life, to organize it in order to develop the own potential and possibilities. The peace of mind that has importance. The family, my daughter, friends, journeys, art and profession are important facets.
WHAT ABOUT DRESDEN? Dresden is my native place, I like the town and its environs. Dresden is a beautiful and famous town, but also a petty province. I don´t care about the town. Especially not as an architect, but as an expert for demography. 
HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR WORK? Architect is a very nice profession. You have to have a high degree of creativity, power and energy. You are standing in the middle like an theater director. That is a challenge. You are the contact person for the investors, the authorities, the specialized planners, building companies and employees. Ever you have to find an answer. The creative work is often just a short episode. The economical and social situation is more and more changing. The true work of an architect - to build a house - is moving in the background and a nervous trench fight replaces it. 
FUTURE? Future is destination and occurrence, for the optimist like the pessimist. I´m eager for it, some wishes are still open.
WHICH QUESTION YOU HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO BE ASKED? A concrete question does not occure to me. But I very wanted to be asked  in public about politics and the society.
  Interview: Franziska R. Ostertag